Friday, January 28, 2011

SOOooo Hard to Blog

Well it's been over a week and No blog post and I'm seriously disappointed in myself. It was a goal to do it at least 4 times a Week and I'm just not able to get this done. But it seems I'm failing in alot of my other plans I'm making also,So
I have to think about why is it I'm not able to follow through? I spend alot of time searching on the net,doing FB, emails alot of distractions... I have always been the type who is side tracked and I find I always took another direction from where I intended to go. WHY is this? And why cant I stop it?
Discipline that's right discipline, I'm a Flaky artist type that gets caught up in the Creating and not the Black and white of Blogs, business plans, schedules,
organization,etc,ugh...I wish there was 2 of me one to do the Office stuff and then me to have fun creating and only think CREATE. But alas there's only Me
So get over it Julicia and Get you Butt in Gear!! For Goodness Sake your a Mom of 4 and have run the House so you can Do This!!!! YES I CAN
I will do this!!! Life can only change if you Change it, and so I will.
This weekend will be a Restart, I am going to relax chill with the family,Clean,organize my stuff, create a Plan that is realistic for me to stick with so I am not failing.
I hope all Have a Wonderful and Glorious Day
God Bless,Julicia

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Welcome To My Blog

Thank you for checking on my Blog it is a work in Progress and hopefully will have a Regular post on it as I am trying to make it so,They say do a new thing for 21 days and it becomes Habit so I have made this my new one thing. Here's to building new Healthy Habits